Housing Ombudsman

The role of the Housing Ombudsman Service

The Housing Ombudsman’s new statutory Complaint Handling Code provides guidance and good practice for landlords on fair and effective complaint handling.  The code applies from 01.04.2024. 

The Housing Ombudsman expects any case coming to their attention to have been managed in line with their newest code.  

Read our Self-Assessment against the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code here.

How to contact the Housing Ombudsman Service 

  • See the website at www.housing-ombudsman.org.uk 
  • Call on 0300 111 3000 
  • Email: info@housing-ombudsman.org.uk 
  • Write to the Housing Ombudsman Service – PO Box 1484, Unit D, Preston, PR2 0ET.

Find more information about how the Housing Ombudsman service deals with complaints here.