3 January 2019

We are getting better at helping the environment

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Octavia has achieved a ‘Gold’ accreditation in our recent SHIFT assessment, a sustainability standard specifically for the housing sector.

SHIFT 2018 Gold small

This recognises our commitment to sustainability across the organisation and our commitment to provide energy efficient, well maintained homes for our residents.

We’ve been ranked six highest out of the latest 40 UK housing providers to be assessed.

The assessment commended our corporate approach to sustainability - we deliver new homes built to high sustainability standards and have a target to bring all of our homes up to a good energy efficient standard by 2023. We are working to achieve this through our rolling programme of cyclical maintenance and repairs.

The report states: “Octavia Housing has achieved Gold standard with a score of 59.57. The organisation is to be congratulated for this, as it represents not just a commitment to sustainability, but also to providing decent homes to its residents.”

It describes our ambition to achieve a minimum Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) rating of 69 across all our homes by 2023 as “ambitious but laudable” as it “should make a huge difference to residents in terms of both their health and their ability to afford to stay warm in their homes.”