Our Property Standard

Our approach to property standard

We aim to develop and look after a portfolio of good quality homes, which above all means that we want our properties to provide a safe and healthy environment for our tenants, workers and visitors. To do this, we set out a standard for all our homes to meet.

What we mean by the Octavia property standard

To meet our Property Standard, homes should be:

Free from damp, mould growth and excessive cold 

  • Homes should be warm, dry and well ventilated. Living rooms should be capable of being heated to 21 °C and other rooms 18 °C.
  • Our aim is that all homes, where technically possible, will have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) energy rating of C.

Safe from exposure to Asbestos

  • We aim to have all our homes free from asbestos, however, sometimes this is not possible as many of our properties were constructed when asbestos was a commonly used material. If asbestos is not damaged it is not harmful.
  • For full details on how we manage Asbestos, please see our full Asbestos Policy.

Free from Carbon Monoxide and Fuel Combustion Products (Gas)

  • Gas appliances should be correctly installed and inspected on an annual basis by a Gas Safe Inspector.
  • Carbon Monoxide detectors will only be fitted if advised by gas safety inspectors.

Secure from entry by intruders

  • We will fit at least one fire safe dead lock and a spy hole to your front entrance door.

Domestic hygiene, pest and rubbish

  • Areas intended for personal washing or food storage, preparation and cooking will be capable of being maintained in a hygienic condition.

Structurally sound

  • Building elements such as foundations, walls, roofs, windows and doors will be properly constructed, and in good repair. Minor cracks generally less than 3mm are unlikely to be structural and should be repaired by the resident.
  • Food safety (kitchens)j Kitchen facilities will be in a properly designed room or area, laid out so as to make safe and hygienic preparation and cooking of food easy. Normally kitchens over 30 years will be replaced.

Personal hygiene, sanitation and drainage (bathrooms)

  • Toilets, baths and hand basins will be of smooth and waterproof surface.
  • Normally bathroom fittings over 40 years will be replaced.

Water supply for domestic use

  • All our homes will have a suitable supply of drinking water.
  • Storage tanks will be covered to prevent contamination.

Electrical hazards

  • Electrical installations will be safe, with system isolation and/or insulation to prevent shock and will be tested every 5 years.

Fire safety

  • All shared areas in converted houses or purpose built flats will have a fire risk assessment (FRA).
  • All homes will be fitted with smoke or/heat detectors.
  • Fire Safety Notices will be displayed in shared areas.


  • Lifts will be inspected a minimum of twice a year to ensure they remain safe to use.

Regular cyclical maintenance 

  • We provide cyclical maintenance to the outside of buildings and shared areas on a seven year cycle and will consult with residents, before, during and after major works. We aim to provide cyclical maintenance to the outside of buildings and shared areas on a seven year cycle and will consult with residents before, during, and after major works. 

Good TV reception

  • A TV aerial, or in larger blocks communal satellite systems, will be provided to enable access to digital television.

Clean and tidy

  • There should be no graffiti or litter.
  • No illegal dumping or abandoned vehicles.
  • Communal gardens will be clean and clear of debris.
  • Lift and shared areas should be free from obstacles that block access or could be a fire risk.


  • All buildings will be insured for damage to building components, fixtures and fittings only.
  • Octavia does not take out insurance for personal possessions and fittings for residents. We strongly recommend that you take out your own contents insurance.

Making sure that we are succeeding

We regularly look at the condition of our homes in several ways to make sure that we look after them to meet our Standard. These include:

  • Running annual condition surveys.
  • Inspecting a selection of homes every year as part of our external cyclical programme.
  • All our staff are able to identify and report any repairs they see when they visit properties.
  • We encourage feedback from residents.

How to contact us about our property standard

If you want to know more about our property standard, please contact the duty line on 020 8354 5500

To report a repair or let us know that your property does not meet the property standard, please contact repairs telephone line 0800 479 0011.