26 August 2022

Staying safe in your home

038(2) original

We’ve had reports of people pretending to be from Octavia knocking on people’s doors and trying to talk their way into their home.

This could be a scam by criminals who will knock a door, or ring the bell, posing as tradespeople or housing or council officers, and providing false information to get into homes.

Please be aware that we do not visit residents at home for tenancy matters, repairs, gas safety, or utility checks without making an appointment with you first. We will always contact you via phone, email or letter and make an appointment with you before coming to your home.

We would only ever come to your home without an arranged visit if we have been unable to reach you to make an appointment for several weeks, or in an emergency.

Please be on your guard

We urge all residents to be on your guard against doorstep scams and keep your home secure: always be suspicious of anyone turning up at the door uninvited – regardless of the reason they give.

All Octavia and contractors wear a uniform and carry badge identification when they visit, which you should always check. If you are in any doubt about a visitor, don’t let them in. Tell them you’re not interested, or that now is ‘not convenient’ and ask them to come back at a different time (when you can have a friend or relative with you).

What to do if you are concerned

If you have concerns about someone trying to gain access to your home, or you think you might have been a victim of a doorstep scam, contact us on 020 8354 5500. You can also report a scam online at Action Fraud to help prevent this happening to others.

There is more information about how to protect yourself against a doorstep scam on the Which website.